Firelight is a series of illustrations and writings set in an original fantasy world. In the land of Firelight, the rise of monstrous beasts has led to the collapse of civilization, but has also created a strange new ecosystem...

One Paints the Earth with Colour
Civilization has fallen. Humanity is close to extinct. The great cities that once ruled over the earth lie in tatters. However, a chaotic new ecosystem is rising from the ruins, and the monsters that laid waste to the world are now filling it with a new kind of life.
Civilization has fallen. Humanity is close to extinct. The great cities that once ruled over the earth lie in tatters. However, a chaotic new ecosystem is rising from the ruins, and the monsters that laid waste to the world are now filling it with a new kind of life.

One's Jaws Pierce the Deep
Those who survived the apocalypse have lost their old faces and barely remember their old lives, but they still cling to life on the edges of this new world, scavenging for scraps and hiding from the giants that now wander the earth.
Those who survived the apocalypse have lost their old faces and barely remember their old lives, but they still cling to life on the edges of this new world, scavenging for scraps and hiding from the giants that now wander the earth.

One's Mane Shapes the Wind
Some people fear the great beasts, but many turn to them for protection. They worship the beasts as gods and craft new faces in their likeness using the beast's shed skin and hair. Those who follow One's Mane claim that their masks retain some of its great power.
Some people fear the great beasts, but many turn to them for protection. They worship the beasts as gods and craft new faces in their likeness using the beast's shed skin and hair. Those who follow One's Mane claim that their masks retain some of its great power.

One Gibbers in a Strange Tongue
A strange perversion of the natural world has occurred since the cataclysm. In the lands of Firelight, beasts feed on the sun, and plants feed on the beasts -- sometimes latching onto their bodies, but more often growing on the scraps they leave behind. Firelight "plants" grow and change rapidly on a diet of beast flesh; an entire forest may spring up overnight, rapidly transform into hundreds of distinct forms, and fall within a few weeks when the beast moves on. Some beasts, such as One Gibbers, take an interest in these parasitic lifeforms and can shape them into forms they find pleasing to the eye as they grow. Some claim they can hear One Gibbers singing and babbling to its children, though the words themselves are incomprehensible.

One Haunts the Wastelands
The beast gods that now rule the world have a keen intelligence, perhaps rivaling or even surpassing the humans they replaced. One Haunts seems intensely interested in the ruins of human civilization. It spends its time searching for artifacts, and proudly displays its most prized treasures on its antlers.
The beast gods that now rule the world have a keen intelligence, perhaps rivaling or even surpassing the humans they replaced. One Haunts seems intensely interested in the ruins of human civilization. It spends its time searching for artifacts, and proudly displays its most prized treasures on its antlers.